
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ens de Lyon Scholarships

The ENS de Lyon and its partners offer scholarships for excellent international students to enrol in its Masters programs in the Exact Sciences, the Arts, and Human and Social Sciences (excluding Professional Masters in teaching).

The Ampère Scholarships of Excellence of the ENS de Lyon provide students with the opportunity to enrol in one of the ENS de Lyon Masters programs in the Exact Sciences, the Arts or the Human and Social Sciences (excluding the Professional Masters programs in teaching).
The Avenir Lyon Saint-Etienne program (PALSE) of the Université de Lyon provides scholarships for enrolment in the following Masters programs: ADMIRE (Administrator of institutions for research and the diffusion of knowledge); AlterEurope (Experts on the EU and neighbouring countries); Archinfo (Architecture of information); Biosciences; or Physics and Chemistry.
The Inria and the ENS de Lyon have joined forces to offer scholarships to students who wish to enrol in the Masters program in Fundamental Computer Science and undertake their research internship within a team belonging to one of the INRIA research centres.
The Laboratory of the Informatics of Parallelism (Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme – LIP) of the ENS Lyon offers scholarships to students wishing to enrol in the Masters program in Fundamental Computer Science and undertake their research internship within a research team belonging to the LIP.
The MILYON Laboratory of Excellence (Labex MILYON) offers scholarships for enrolment in the Masters programs in Advanced Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science. The project is funded within the framework of the "Investissement d'avenir" program.


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