IFDA/EF SCHOLARSHIP AND GRANT award funds shall be for the stated use of the individual or organization applying for the grant or scholarship. IFDA/EF funds may not be used to pay any indirect costs that might be associated with acceptances of such a grant or scholarship. The application forms can be found on the IFDA Educational website and are linked to the actual scholarship or grant. See application forms for further requirements. The committee will not review incomplete or late applications.
Applications must be postmarked by March 31st. Results will be announced by July 31st.
IFDA Leaders Commemorative Scholarship, $1,000
Part time Student Scholarship, $1,000
IFDA Student Member Scholarship, $2,000
Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship, $2,500
Vercille Voss IFDA Graduate Student Scholarship, $1,500
Green/Sustainable Design Scholarship, $1,000
Marketing Internship Scholarship, $1500
(Please note: Application deadline is February 15th, and requirements differ from all other scholarships)
Requires post secondary students to be majoring in Interior Design or closely related field who have completed four design related courses and be enrolled at an accredited school or college.
Part time Student Scholarship requires the student to be currently enrolled in at least two Interior Design or related courses.
Requires a letter of recommendation from a professor or instructor.
Requires four copies of a 200- 400 word essay explaining your long and short-term goals, extra curricular activities, awards, and what led you to pursue a career in this field.
Requires four copies of two-three different examples of students design work (CD or digital color copies accepted)
Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship requires five copies of five different original furniture designs
IFDA Scholarships for student member requires a recommendation from an IFDA member, in addition to an educator.
Results will be announced by July 31
The Educational Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the International Furnishings and Design Association. Its mission is to foster educational activities benefiting individuals and institutions engaged in the education of and for the furnishings and design industry, as well as, those engaged in activities promoting, developing, or enhancing the furnishing and design industries and the practice of these professions.
IFDA Leaders Commemorative Scholarship-$1000
Supported by the IFDA Georgia Chapter
The IFDA Educational Foundation established this scholarship, supported by the Georgia Chapter, as a way to honor IFDA leaders, past and present. The 2009 scholarship will be in honor of John Camp, FIFDA, a past Georgia chapter leader, IFDA Educational Foundation Chair in 1996 and IFDA National President in 1998. This scholarship is available to all enrolled undergraduate students studying interior design or a closely related program. The student must be involved with volunteer or community service and have held leadership positions during the past five years. Application deadline March 31st. Results will be announced by July 31.
Application Requirements
All applicants must have completed four design courses in post secondary education at the time of application and are majoring in Interior Design or a closely related field.
The completed application packet must include the following:
A sealed transcript of course work that verifies full-time status with your GPA. (May be sent separately)
A letter of recommendation from a professor or instructor on official school stationery.
A 300-400 word essay explaining your long and short-term goals, extra curricular activities, volunteer work, and what led you to pursue a career in this field.
Copies of two different examples of your original design work (digital color copies or CD acceptable).
The completed application form.
Note: A high consideration will be given to a commitment to public service.
The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.
View the IFDA Leaders Commemorative Scholarship Application
This scholarship is made possible by the IFDA Educational Foundation, the philanthropic arm of International Furnishings & Design Association, an organization of leaders and professionals engaged in all areas of the furnishings and design industry. For additional information about IDFA and how you might become a Student Member, go to
Part time Student Scholarship -$1000
supported by IFDA Educational Foundation
The IFDA Educational Foundation Board of Trustees have added a scholarship for a part time student enrolled in a continuing interior design or related program at an accredited school.
Application Requirements
All applicants must have completed four courses in interior design or related field.
The scholarship applicant must be currently enrolled in at least two courses as a part-time student.
The completed application packet must include the following:
A certified, sealed transcript of course work that verifies enrollment with your GPA. The school or college may send it separately.
A 200-400 word essay explaining your long and short term goals, achievements, awards and accomplishments, special interests, volunteer/community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.
A separate letter of recommendation from a professor or instructor on official school stationery. May be sent separately.
Two different examples of your design work. (CD or digital color copies accepted).
The completed application form.
Note: Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed by the scholarship committee.
View the IFDA Part time Student Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible by the IFDA Educational Foundation, the philanthropic arm of International Furnishings & Design Association, an organization of leaders and professionals engaged in all areas of the furnishings and design industry. For additional information about IDFA and how you might become a Student Member, go to
IFDA Student Member Scholarship -$2000
supported by IFDA Educational Foundation
The IFDA Student Member Scholarship is available through the IFDA Educational Foundation to a full time, current student member of IFDA who has completed a minimum of four design courses in a post secondary interior design or related program. An additional letter of recommendation from an IFDA Professional Member is required. The IFDA student identification number must be included on the application form
Application packet due March 31. Results will be announced by July 31st. See application form for further requirements.
The completed application form.
A 200-400 word essay explaining your long and short-term goals, special interests, volunteer /community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.
Two-three different examples of your design work, (CD or digital color copies accepted).
A certified, sealed transcript of verifying your enrollment and GPA. (May be sent separately)
A letter of recommendation from a professor or instructor on official school stationery.
A letter of recommendation from an IFDA Professional.
View the IFDA Student Member Scholarship
Vercille Voss Graduate Student Scholarship -$1500
The IFDA Illinois Chapter initiated the Vercille Voss Graduate Student Scholarship in memory of Vercille Voss, longtime chapter member and mentor to new members and students. This scholarship is available to students enrolled in a graduate degree program in interior design or closely related program. The applicant must be enrolled as a full-time graduate student at an accredited university.
Application packet due March 31st. Results will be announced by July 31st.
Completed application form.
A 200-400 word essay explaining your long and short term goals, special interests, achievements, awards and accomplishments, volunteer / community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field.
Two-three different examples of your design work (CD or digital color copies accepted)
A certified, sealed transcript of verifying your enrollment and GPA (May be from the institution that granted your undergraduate degree).
A letter of recommendation from a professor or instructor on official school stationery.
Transcript may be sent separately by March 31st deadline
View the Vercille Voss Scholarship Application
This scholarship is made possible by the IFDA Educational Foundation, the philanthropic arm of International Furnishings & Design Association, an organization of leaders and professionals engaged in all areas of the furnishings and design industry. For additional information about IDFA and how you might become a Student Member, go to
Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship
Supported by the Carolinas Chapter
The Ruth Clark Scholarship was established by the Carolinas Chapter to honor Ruth Clark, one of the chapter's founding members. Ruth Clark, an IFDA Fellow, graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design. During her career, she designed upholstered furniture for several companies, and many of her designs have become classics in the industry. She mentored design students and young professionals in the field, served as Carolinas Chapter President and received the prestigious IFDA National Honorary Recognition Award in 1994. Currently she is a design consultant and furniture designer for The Clark Connection. The scholarship is open to currently enrolled post secondary students whose emphasis is on residential furniture design.
Application packet due March 31st. Winner to be announced July 31st.
Application requirements:
All applicants must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in DESIGN with a focus on residential upholstered and/or wood furniture design.
Applicant must have completed four design courses in a post-secondary interior design or related program.
The scholarship applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student.
The Application Packet must include:
A certified, sealed transcript of course work that verifies full-time status with your GPA. (May be sent separately)
A 200-400 word essay explaining your long and short term goals, special interests, volunteer /community service, and what inspired you to pursue a professional career in this field, achievements, awards, and accomplishments.
A letter of recommendation from an instructor/professor on official school stationary.
Five different examples of your original residential furniture designs (color digital copies or CD accepted).
The completed application form.
Note: the scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.
View the Ruth Clark Scholarship Application
This scholarship is made possible by the IFDA Educational Foundation, the philanthropic arm of International Furnishings & Design Association, an organization of leaders and professionals engaged in all areas of the furnishings and design industry. For additional information about IDFA and how you might become a Student Member, go to
Marketing Internship Scholarship -- $1,500
The IFDA Educational Foundation has established the Marketing Internship Scholarship to support interns in the industry's marketing, public relations, and publishing areas. Conceived by Jeanne Byington, a Fellow in IFDA and member of the New York Chapter, the scholarship is for those desiring to enter this large and important segment of the design/furnishings industry.
Eligibility Requirements
An individual who is pursuing a career in the marketing aspect of the design/home furnishings industry, such as a) currently enrolled full-time college student, b) a professional changing career fields or c) someone entering or reentering the job market.
Applicants need to have found or already be engaged in an internship position whose term will be for a period of two - six months. The internship must be directly involved in marketing, advertising or promoting products or services in the design/home or contract furnishings industry. This may be an internship with a public relations, advertising, marketing, or a publishing firm, or as an intern working directly in one of these areas with an industry company. IFDA EF does not provide internships or internship lead information. That is the sole responsibility of the applicant.
Application requirements:
• Completed application form
• A signed letter from internship supervisor on official school, university or institution letterhead verifying internship position acceptance: and a letter from employer on company letterhead confirming approximate time frame and outline of responsibilities (For full time student only)
• A signed letter from supervisor or employer on company letterhead confirming approximate time frame and outline of responsibilities (For professional changing fields or reentering job market only)
• Essay (200-400 words) that includes the following:
Connection between academic work and/or career goals, with learning experience anticipated as a result of this internship
Intern's responsibilities, and projected contribution to company or organization
Name, title, affiliation, email, phone number and address of internship supervisor
Application Deadline: February 15
The award recipient will be selected, notified, and the scholarship presented by the IFDA Educational Foundation Board of Trustees no later than May 1
View the Marketing Internship Scholarship Application
IFDAEF Scholarship and Grant award funds shall be for the stated use of the individual or organization applying for the grant or scholarship. IFDAEF funds may not be used to pay for any indirect costs that might be associated with acceptance of such grant or scholarship.
Green/Sustainable Design Scholarship -$1000
Aware of increasing environmental concerns worldwide, the IFDA Educational Foundation established a new scholarship for a student focusing on the evolving green/sustainable field of study. Sustainable design is the development of innovative ways to create living spaces that are energy efficient and feature green/sustainable materials, fabrications and products. The student applying for this scholarship is planning to become an educated participant in the green movement. Paying equal attention to both sustainability factors and design aesthetics, the student should be demonstrating creative use of green products and eco friendly furnishings in class projects. The student is familiar with current information in the green/sustainable field, is applying this knowledge in class work and has a goal of seeking a future LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accreditation. Application Deadline March 31st. Results will be announced by July 31st
Application Requirements:
The student is currently enrolled an accredited school, college or university.
Other requirements include a 200-400 word essay describing short and long term goals, extra curricular activities, and why they are interested in green/sustainable design.
Copies of original work featuring one or more aspects of green/sustainable design with detailed explanations.
An official transcript showing classes and GPA. (May be sent separately)
A letter of recommendation from an instructor on official school stationary.
Completed application form
Note: The scholarship committee will not review incomplete or late applications.
Application Deadline: March 31st
View the Green/Sustainable Design Scholarship Application
This scholarship is made possible by the IFDA Educational Foundation, the philanthropic arm of International Furnishings & Design Association, an organization of leaders and professionals engaged in all areas of the furnishings and design industry. For additional information about IDFA and how you might become a Student Member, go to