Browse and Apply 2018 China Scholarships
Friday, November 3, 2017
Peace & Tolerance Scholarship Award

Mohamed Dekkak has been overseas for an extended period. He is a business professional and a successful Moroccon entrepreneur with high academic & business qualifications; Mohamed Dekkak holds his passion for building inventive start-up companies. He is a man with the excellent background in crafting collaboration with multi-national companies in an extensive range of industries from oil and gas, through power and energy and energy via construction and engineering. Multilingual and excellent networker. He is also heading and member of many non profit foundations, association for business philanthropy, para diplomacy, peace and tolerance promotion.
Mohamed Dekkak’s social programs extend to all people how share his vision. His vision to help uplift the lives of the people, promoting peace and tolerance, universal values, open mindness and harmony between communities.
Scholarship Details:
Scholarship Topic: Peace and Tolerance
Scholarship Amount: $10,000
Deadline: 31 Dec 2017
How to Apply for Scholarship:
To apply for this scholarship, please read below.
Write a research paper about an innovative project on “How to promote Peace and Tolerance“.
The research paper must be minimum 5000 words long :
– Explaining why and how the project is innovative?
– Demonstrating how you can implement the project on the ground.
– The project impact.
Your Complete Name
Your phone number (we will call you once you are shortlisted or the winner)
Your Email address
School/College/University name
Terms and Conditions:
The research paper must be plagiarism free and no grammatical mistakes.
Applicant must be 18 to 35 years old.
Open for all nationalities.
Winner must show their original documents before receiving the scholarship.
Once you submit your application and article, the Scholarship donor has the right to publish it online after the approval of the committee.
The academic committee has the right to accept or decline any submission.
Every submission will be reviewed by an International academic committee of experts in the field.
The result will announce the winner on 30 Jan 2018.
The winner will be notified by an email or a phone call.
The result will be displayed on the website.
The final date of application Dec 31, 2017, 11:59 GMT.
No application will be entertained after this date..
Application Submission
Please fill the form below to submit the application.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Paid MBA Internship 2018 at Google in Japan

Summer internships for MBA and other business-focused graduate students are 10-12 weeks long and are offered in a range of functions across the company. For internships, we hire first into job families and then work with successful candidates to find project groups that match their skills and interests.
Location: Japan
Google MBA Internship Program is a paid internship
It will immerse you in the tech industry on a high-impact team.
You’ll enhance your skill set, be challenged with rigorous work, grow your network and drive meaningful change in our business.
Outside of your core work, you will participate in a high-touch program that exposes you to Google’s business operations, connects you with interns and Googlers, and invests in your personal and professional development.
Eligibilities Minimum qualifications:
1.Must be pursuing a full-time MBA program with an expected graduation date between December 2018 and June 2019.
2.Be able to complete a minimum 10-week program at the Tokyo office in 2018.
3.Ability to speak and write in English and Japanese fluently and idiomatically.
Preferred qualifications:
1.Interest in the Internet, and Google’s technology and business.
2.Excellent analytical skills, with the ability to overcome strategic business challenges.
3.Excellent project management, interpersonal and organizational skills, with the ability to drive and implement ideas in a changing environment.
4.Excellent critical thinking skills and independent motivation.
Eligible Regions: Open For All
Step 1: Login to your Google Account.1: Complete and submit the MBA Internship Application Form given
Step 2: Complete and submit the MBA Internship Application Form given on the website.
Step 3: Click the “Apply” button to submit your resume (a cover letter is not required).
Application Form
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Friday, September 8, 2017
The Korean Government Scholarship Program

supports the future global leaders and promotes the international cooperation in education by inviting talented international students to Korea for an opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea
Airfare Round : Trip economy class ticket
Monthly Allowance : 900,000 KRW per month
Research Allowance : 210,000 KRW for scholars in the field of humanities and social sciences, 240,000 KRW for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences (ONLY FOR GRADUATE PROGRAM)
Settlement Allowance : 200,000 KRW upon arrival
Language Training Fee : Full coverage
Tuition : All admission fees are waived by the host institution (university)The tuition is covered by NIIED and the university.
Dissertation Printing Costs : Reimbursement of 500,000 ~ 800,000 KRW depending on actual costs (ONLY FOR GRADUATE PROGRAM)
Medical Insurance : 20,000 KRW per month (limited coverage)
Korean Proficiency Grants : 100,000 KRW per month for scholars with TOPIK Level 5 or 6
For Graduate Program :
1) The applicant and his/her parents must hold foreign citizenships.
* Applicants with the Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program.
2) Applicants must be under 40 years of age of the selection year.
3) Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of September 1st of the selection year.
* Applicants who have completed an undergraduate program, a master’s program, or a doctoral program in Korea are ineligible to apply for the program.
4) The academic achievement of the applicants must meet one of the followings:
– The grade point average (GPA) must be no less than 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4.3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale; or
– The overall grades must be no less than 80% out of 100%
For Undergraduate Program :
1) Must be a citizen of the country to which the scholarship is offered, which also applies to the applicants’ parents
2) Have graduated or will be scheduled to graduate from high school as of March 1st of the invitation year
3) Must possess above 80% (out of 100%) cumulative grade point average (CGPA), or must be within the top 20% (out of 100%) in rank in high school.
Eligible Regions: Non Korean
Japan Scholarhips
Japan Scholarhips
■ Study in JAPAN Comprehensive Guide
■ Master’s Degree and Internship Program of the African Business Education Ini tiative for Youth :ABE Initiative
■ japan student services organization
■ JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT for information of studying at Universities
■ Mext: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
■ Honjo International Scholarship Foundation
■A-Z list of Japanese Universities
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Rīga Conference Future Leaders Forum 2017
Rīga Conference Future Leaders Forum 2017 in Latvia
The Rīga Conference has become a unique venue for constructive dialogue on international security issues between leading global decision makers. The event is organized jointly by the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. The ability to facilitate such debates at various levels and with the participation of high level politicians, diplomats, experts, as well as local and international media is a proof of our ability to think and work in a global context attracting key players and facing the issues that affect our societies the most.
This year the Forum will gather young, talented and motivated diplomats, journalists, politicians, and state officials in-the-making from all over the world for three days of spirited discussions and workshops. The Rīga Conference Future Leaders Forum will take place in Riga on September 28 – 30, 2017 alongside one of the leading foreign and security policy forums in Northern Europe – The Rīga Conference 2017.
The Forum will give unique opportunity for 45 young, talented and motivated diplomats, journalists, politicians, state officials in-the-making for three days to be a part of numberous panel discussions, Night-Owl sessions, multiple workshops and The Riga Conference 2017.
Forum will cover trending global outlooks on security of European Union, NATO‘s further possible cooperations in the North, Europes Southern neighbourhood and topics including modern terorism and how to fight it.
Applicants are encouraged to apply and gain international experience by working with high rang policy makers, world known specialists, different field researcher’s and professors and engaging in intelectual discussions.
Participants will not only gain knowledge and new contacts, but also develop their analytical thinking and ability to provide constructive discussions and applicable solutions for global problems.
There is no fee for participation at the Forum, however participants must arrange and cover travel costs by themselves.
Interest in foreign policy and security issues
Highly motivated and open-minded
Fully available for the entire program duration
Fluent in English
They welcome to apply participants with diverse professional and educational backgrounds who share a strong interest in international relations, security and defence issues.
Potential participants should be undergraduate or graduate level students, young professionals aged between 20 and 27.
All applications are subject to evaluation and only selected candidates will participate at the Forum.
In order to complete your application, please fill in the application form for The Rīga Conference Future Leaders Forum 2017, submit it, and send your opinion about the chosen topic in a short essay form. You will find all of the topics at the end of the application form below.
Please send your short essays to – or
Applicaton :
Website :
UN Youth Volunteer Assignment
National UN Volunteers are invaluable assets to the work of the United Nations,
They are Providing opportunities to youth to change the world for the better while simultaneously honing your own skills, gaining knowledge and a better understanding of the realities of international development and peacebuilding.
you will be
Rewarded with an experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
UN Youth Volunteers receive a basic living allowance that allows the volunteer to live healthily and safely in the assigned area.
If you volunteer outside of your home area, return airfare or land transport (as applicable) and some other basic costs are paid by the host agency.
You will receive orientation and training before and after your assignment.
Motivated and talented youth between the ages of 18 and 29.
(Note: you must be younger than 29 throughout the duration of your service).
The educational background and experience required varies by assignment, but generally work experience over two years is not expected.
Eligible Regions:
Open for All
There is no general registration for UN Youth Volunteer assignments. You can only apply via advertisements for individual assignments.
If you are 25 years of age or older and have several years of work experience in a specific area of expertise, you may want to register for the UNV Global Talent Pool.
You may also be interested in volunteering online with their UNV Online Volunteering service.
They are Providing opportunities to youth to change the world for the better while simultaneously honing your own skills, gaining knowledge and a better understanding of the realities of international development and peacebuilding.
you will be
Rewarded with an experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
UN Youth Volunteers receive a basic living allowance that allows the volunteer to live healthily and safely in the assigned area.
If you volunteer outside of your home area, return airfare or land transport (as applicable) and some other basic costs are paid by the host agency.
You will receive orientation and training before and after your assignment.
Motivated and talented youth between the ages of 18 and 29.
(Note: you must be younger than 29 throughout the duration of your service).
The educational background and experience required varies by assignment, but generally work experience over two years is not expected.
Eligible Regions:
Open for All
There is no general registration for UN Youth Volunteer assignments. You can only apply via advertisements for individual assignments.
If you are 25 years of age or older and have several years of work experience in a specific area of expertise, you may want to register for the UNV Global Talent Pool.
You may also be interested in volunteering online with their UNV Online Volunteering service.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
UN Youth Summer School on Diplomacy Romania

is an educational programme that provides a unique space for learning and networking for students from all around the world. Here, distinguished speakers will contribute through diverse perspectives and experiences towards a better understanding of the topics covered, encouraging new thinking and inspiring debates.
This year’s Summer School on Diplomacy will take place between the 24th and 30th of July 2017 in Bucharest, Romania with the general theme Brexit-Unfolding EU’s Future. The project aims to deepen and consolidate knowledge on the implications that both parts have after the referendum that has decided United Kingdom’s wish to leave the union, but also to gather insight concerning diplomacy and the art of negotiation.
Location: Romania
The programme will comprise lectures, debates and workshops that will discuss the various economic, political, social and cultural challenges that lie ahead of the Brexit vote.
The curriculum addresses general issues and theoretical aspects of International Relations, Diplomacy, Economics and Security aspects in an effort to offer a comprehensive and balanced analysis of the foreseeable future of the European Union. It will also address topics such as the possibility of building an EU Army, challenging more integrated macroeconomic policies regarding the Eurozone, the flexibility of the single market and also achieving more integrated migration policies.
Aside from the educational programme, participants will take part in a variety of social activities, which guarantee a complete Summer School experience by combining our high academic standards with fun, beautiful memories and socialization.
The Summer School’s target group is comprised of students currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. programme, recent graduates and young professionals with relevant experience and proven interest in the fields of International Relations, International Law, Political Science or Diplomacy.
Eligible Regions: Open for All.
Culture Open Source Forum 2017 Germany
The Cultural Innovators Network (CIN) announces the Call for Participants for the CIN Culture Open Source Forum 2017, which will take place in Berlin, from the 31st Aust to the 2nd of September.
DEADLINE: June 11, 2017
Culture Open Source is a 10-months project of the Cultural Innovators Network in partnership with the Goethe-Institut. The process has already started with a decentralised research on participcommunications@culturalinnovators.orgatory practices in the Euro-Mediterranean region and three Local Preparatory Meetings (LPM) in Jordan, Serbia, and Greece, carried out and curated by groups of CIN members to map local initiatives and collect data on common challenges and best practices in the use of participatory approaches. The findings will be reviewed by CIN Research Working Group and presented during the Forum as a basis for further discussion and work.
Location: Germany
The Forum will be an opportunity for representatives of cultural initiatives and organisations around the Mediterranean region to share their challenges, best practices, and experiences of using participatory approaches in the management and co-production of cultural activities. Three days of roundtables, workshops, plenary debates, cultural events, where participants will have the chance to network and discuss with their peers and find solutions to common challenges. Moreover, applicants have the opportunity to propose workshops and artistic content through the application form.
Organisation’s background in terms of:
• Geographical scope
CIN is looking for organisations which geographical scope is the Mediterranean region. As much as this term may have a blurry and flexible definition, the Cultural Innovators Network currently focuses on, and is looking for organisations legally based and/or working in/with the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey
The selection process will take into consideration the balanced geographical distribution of participants and organisations.
• Participatory approach in its management, implementation, and/or project creation
CIN is looking for formal and informal organisations, networks, initiatives, among others, coming from public, civil and private sectors, in the field of culture, that have experience in using participatory approaches in their organisational structure, management and/or planning, creation, implementation, and evaluation of different activities (e.g.: projects, courses, performances, researches). The term “participatory approach” comprehends all the organisational structures, tools, and methodologies actively involving ‘the public’ in planning, decision-making, implementation, and/or evaluation processes, whereby the relevant ‘public’ may be citizens, members of a community/network/organisation, the stakeholders of a particular project or policy, etc. Participation is based on non-hierarchical management, peer collaboration, and knowledge sharing.
• Experience
CIN is looking for participants that have implemented the above mentioned participatory approaches in anumber of activities and/or in their daily management. Whether you are part of an initiative, collective, project team, social enterprise, association, network, organization, educational institute, hub, among else, your experience, point of view, success stories, challenges, and even failures, are at the core of this forum. We are not looking for many years of experience, but for relevant experience. So whether you are part of a 20-years-old organisation, or a recently established initiative, do apply. Examples we can think of are: a public cultural centre, a music band, an independent theatre group, an NGO/CSO, social innovation project, educational institutes, art collectives, academic departments, researchers’ groups, community initiatives, international network, festivals, etc.)
Organisation’s representative’s relevance in terms of:
Role in the organisation
Experience in relation to participatory practices
Relevance and clarity of the motivations, expectations, and proposals (in relation to topics suggested and follow-up)
Not mandatory but constituting an asset in case of equally relevant applications.
Contribution in terms of:
Proposed session (relevancy, use of participatory approaches, innovation, expected outcomes/outputs)
Proposed artistic content (feasibility, relevancy in terms of participatory approaches, innovation)
DEADLINE: June 11, 2017
Culture Open Source is a 10-months project of the Cultural Innovators Network in partnership with the Goethe-Institut. The process has already started with a decentralised research on participcommunications@culturalinnovators.orgatory practices in the Euro-Mediterranean region and three Local Preparatory Meetings (LPM) in Jordan, Serbia, and Greece, carried out and curated by groups of CIN members to map local initiatives and collect data on common challenges and best practices in the use of participatory approaches. The findings will be reviewed by CIN Research Working Group and presented during the Forum as a basis for further discussion and work.
Location: Germany
The Forum will be an opportunity for representatives of cultural initiatives and organisations around the Mediterranean region to share their challenges, best practices, and experiences of using participatory approaches in the management and co-production of cultural activities. Three days of roundtables, workshops, plenary debates, cultural events, where participants will have the chance to network and discuss with their peers and find solutions to common challenges. Moreover, applicants have the opportunity to propose workshops and artistic content through the application form.
Organisation’s background in terms of:
• Geographical scope
CIN is looking for organisations which geographical scope is the Mediterranean region. As much as this term may have a blurry and flexible definition, the Cultural Innovators Network currently focuses on, and is looking for organisations legally based and/or working in/with the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey
The selection process will take into consideration the balanced geographical distribution of participants and organisations.
• Participatory approach in its management, implementation, and/or project creation
CIN is looking for formal and informal organisations, networks, initiatives, among others, coming from public, civil and private sectors, in the field of culture, that have experience in using participatory approaches in their organisational structure, management and/or planning, creation, implementation, and evaluation of different activities (e.g.: projects, courses, performances, researches). The term “participatory approach” comprehends all the organisational structures, tools, and methodologies actively involving ‘the public’ in planning, decision-making, implementation, and/or evaluation processes, whereby the relevant ‘public’ may be citizens, members of a community/network/organisation, the stakeholders of a particular project or policy, etc. Participation is based on non-hierarchical management, peer collaboration, and knowledge sharing.
• Experience
CIN is looking for participants that have implemented the above mentioned participatory approaches in anumber of activities and/or in their daily management. Whether you are part of an initiative, collective, project team, social enterprise, association, network, organization, educational institute, hub, among else, your experience, point of view, success stories, challenges, and even failures, are at the core of this forum. We are not looking for many years of experience, but for relevant experience. So whether you are part of a 20-years-old organisation, or a recently established initiative, do apply. Examples we can think of are: a public cultural centre, a music band, an independent theatre group, an NGO/CSO, social innovation project, educational institutes, art collectives, academic departments, researchers’ groups, community initiatives, international network, festivals, etc.)
Organisation’s representative’s relevance in terms of:
Role in the organisation
Experience in relation to participatory practices
Relevance and clarity of the motivations, expectations, and proposals (in relation to topics suggested and follow-up)
Not mandatory but constituting an asset in case of equally relevant applications.
Contribution in terms of:
Proposed session (relevancy, use of participatory approaches, innovation, expected outcomes/outputs)
Proposed artistic content (feasibility, relevancy in terms of participatory approaches, innovation)
Information and Application
Friday, June 2, 2017
United Nations Development Programme Jobs
United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) works in more than 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion.
UNDP help countries develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.
UNDP are now hiring a new generation of expert practitioners who want to contribute by offering strategic approaches to long-standing problems.
UNDP seek individuals who can communicate advice and new ideas across cultures and all strata of society.
Types of opportunities
Service Contractors
Junior Professional Officer Programme
United Nations Volunteers (UNV)
View Current Vacancies
UNDP help countries develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.
UNDP are now hiring a new generation of expert practitioners who want to contribute by offering strategic approaches to long-standing problems.
UNDP seek individuals who can communicate advice and new ideas across cultures and all strata of society.
Types of opportunities
Service Contractors
Junior Professional Officer Programme
United Nations Volunteers (UNV)
View Current Vacancies
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Useful Germany Sites
is a cost-free online consulting service for study applicants. If you plan to study Engineering in Germany and want to take the TestAS, you can first do the SelfAssessment offers the opportunity to find out about study requirements and about one’s own strengths and weaknesses.
offers comprehensive information about the test of German as a Foreign Language. Those who need TestDaF for admission to university studies in Germany can find out when and where to take the TestDaF and how best to prepare for it is the online test for study applicants by the University of Hohenheim. This 15 minute self-assessment compares your own profile of interest with the courses offered by University of Hohenheim and other universities. You will be given study and job-related information according to your profile as well as hints concerning your career choice.
Prepare for Studying in Germany: is the website of the German Academic Exchange Service. DAAD offers varied information to those who want to study or research in Germany. is the E-learning Portal of the Free University of Berlin. Distributed Campus prepares international students who plan to study at the Free University of Berlin for their stay in Berlin thoroughly – academically, linguistically and organisationally. is an information page for international study applicants. Its focus is on a simple query which gives detailed and up-to-date information about the required language skills for each course offered by a German University. is Germany's leading study information portal. Applicants, students and graduates get an overview as well of all german study programs and colleges as important information about financing studies and job search. Internationally is expanding to a paneuropean study guidance. is a comprehensive information portal for international students, academics and researchers in Germany offered by Deutsche Welle. Study in Germany is published in German and English as well as six other languages. assists international study applicants with the application for admission to German universities. The online application service allows you to apply to more than 90 universities in Germany.
Read up on the German Language: is the website of Germany’s international radio Deutsche Welle. You can listen to political, economic and cultural news and information as podcasts, watch them as video stream and read them in 30 languages. answers your questions about German orthography, terminology, foreign words, and synonyms. The newsletter gives hints about language use and informs about spelling and grammar. Duden query allows you quick online research. is the website of the cultural institute of Germany, present all over the world. Goethe Institutes and Centres in more than 90 countries cultivate intercultural exchange and mediate a comprehensive picture of Germany by providing information about cultural, social and political life.
Hueber publishing house develops teaching materials / text books for German as a Foreign language – as the market leader for the past 50 years. The website offers learners of German the opportunity to buy online text books in the area of German as a Foreign Language, about society and culture and to download teaching material.
vitamin de is a magazine for language learners or teachers of German and is addressed to people interested in German who live in the Russian Federation. is a print paper and can be ordered online here. is an English-language website for young people from all over the world. It arouses interest in Germany, gives information about science and career as well as trends and the life of young people in Germany. Deutsch@YG offers opportunities to exercise one’s German and to get information about studying in Germany.
The (Institute for German Language) researches and documents the present usage and the recent history of the German language. As a central non-university institution it offers academic exchange and communication by organising conferences and colloquia for lecturers and researchers of German and all those interested in the German language.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
UNOY Peacebuilders’ Online Training Course

Are you a young peacebuilder who feels a strong commitment to building meaningful intergenerational partnerships for peace? Would you like to build your knowledge and skills to hold meaningful discussions with decision-makers? If so, UNOY Peacebuilders invites you to apply to participate in Act on 2250, an online training course, which will help you translating international policies into local realities. This training will be held online, starting on 3 July and ending on 1 September 2017.
Location: Online
Costs of the training are fully covered, there is no participation fee. Participants will need to ensure their own ability to connect to the internet.
This training aims to empower young people to begin making use of UNSCR 2250. It is designed for participants with an interest in peacebuilding and strong commitment to translating the policy of UNSCR 2250 into practice.
We are therefore looking for participants between 18-30 years old, who:
are active within a youth organisation working on building peace or preventing violence – both UNOY Peacebuilders’ member organisations and non-member organisations aligned with the goals of UNOY Peacebuilders;
have some prior experience in the field of peacebuilding;
have a strong interest in building partnerships with stakeholders on local or national level;
are committed to multiply the outcomes of the training in their own work;
are fluent in English since the working language of the training will be English;
have an internet access at least once a week;
are ready to commit at least 3-4 hours per week for the entire duration of the course.
Priority will be given to participants who:
are currently active in an organisation, program or project in the above fields;
represent a UNOY Peacebuilders member organisation;
come from conflict and post-conflict communities, communities that experience high levels of direct violence and communities where violent extremism is on the rise.
Eligible Regions: Open for All.
Application Form
Web site of UNOY
Scholarships at University of Cumbria UK

Is offering scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate students. International students are eligible to apply.
Applicants must hold an offer of a place of study on an eligible full-time bachelor’s degree, top-up degree or a taught master’s degree (180 credits) at the University of Cumbria.
Location: United Kingdom
These scholarships will go to the value of 50% of tuition costs for the first year of undergraduate studies, and 50% of the tuition fee for the first year of postgraduate studies.
Applicants must hold an offer of a place of study on an eligible full-time bachelor’s degree, top-up degree or a taught master’s degree (180 credits) at the University of Cumbria. For students enrolling on programmes lasting more than one year the scholarship is awarded for the first year of the programme only.
Eligible Regions: Open for All.
Apply Link ( pdf format )
Scholariship Link
Sunday, May 28, 2017
CICOPS Italy Scholarships

In 1996, the Technical-Scientific Committee of CICOPS approved a scholarship project aimed at fostering research collaboration between academic from Developing Countries and the University of Pavia. The scholarships were designed for both junior and senior members of universities in Developing Countries or members of major research centers and international organizations with specific interetes in the field of development studies.
Since 1998, the University of Pavia and the Institute for University Studies (EDiSU) have offered about ten scholarships yearly for a four to ten week stay in Pavia, during which time the scholars carry out research with professors in the department that hosts them and often hold seminars.
Deadline: May 31st, 2017
CICOPS Scholarships are now being accepted for 2018. Academics and other researchers from Developing Countries who wish to carry out research in collaboration with a professor at the University of Pavia are welcome to apply. Applicants must have the support of a collaborator at the University of Pavia who invites them with a formal invitation letter (applications without invitation letter won't be taken into consideration).
Applicants must have at least two years of either teaching experience or activity in international organizations and institutions.
CICOPS Scholarships are foreseen for research collaboration in the short period (from 4 to 12 weeks) in order to encourage the mobility of researcher from Developing Countries.
Applicants enrolled in a Doctoral or Postgraduate Course at an Italian University are not eligible to apply.
Application Form
Website of the Scholarship
FAQ ( PDF format ) information about study field Click Here
E-mail :
Anhui China Government Scholarships

Fully Funded China Scholarships - Anhui Government Scholarships for
International Students in China;
Applications are invited for Anhui Government Scholarships.
This program sponsors international students who apply to study or have studied undergraduate or postgraduate programs in institutions of higher learning of Anhui Province in China.
Course Levels
Scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programme.
Anhui Government Scholarships for International Students Study Subjects
Scholarships are awarded to study all the subjects offered by the universities in Anhui Province.
Scholarship Amounts
Applicants for bachelor’s degree: 20,000 yuan/year
Applicants for Master’s degree: 30,000 yuan/year
Applicants for Doctoral degree: 50,000 yuan/year
Applicants must be non-Chinese Citizens with foreign passports and valid Chinese visas.
Applicants should have documents such as HSK certificate to prove that they have required level of proficiency in Chinese.
(Limitations shall be relaxed if all the courses of the program the applicants study are instructed directly in English.)
Education Background and age limit
-Applicants for undergraduate program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 28.
-Applicants for master’s degree program must have bachelor’s degree and two letters of recommendation from professors or associate professors and be under the age of 40.
-Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master’s degree and two letters of recommendation from professors or associate professors and be under the age of 45.
Applicants should abide by Chinese laws and rules and regulations of the school and have good academic performances.
International students can apply for these scholarships.
College Admission Requirement
General Chinese Language requirements for application to Chinese-instructed programs
Old HSK6 (or new HSK5)or
above is required for application of liberal arts, economics and management majored students.
Old HSK3 (or new HSK4) or above is required for application of science, engineering and medical science majored students.
For details please refer to requirements published by the university.
General English language requirements for application to English-instructed programs
Free English Language testing for students from English speaking countries.
Free English Language testing for students from countries in which English is the major teaching language on condition that the relevant proof documents were provided.
TOEFL 550, IELTS 5.5 or Pass university’s entrance examination.
For details please refer to requirements published by the university.
How to Apply
Applicants must provide the following documents:
Application Form for Anhui Government Scholarship for International Students
Copy of Passport
Notarized highest diploma
Academic and school performance transcripts
Original recommendation letters
Application Form
Application Deadlines
The application deadlines vary from university to university.
For more information and scholarships application forms and guidelines,
Universities and Colleges Anhui Government
Each university has scholarships
For Contact Click Here
Friday, May 26, 2017
Summer Youth Camp in Cyprus 18-25 age

Young people between 18 to 25 years old are invited to participate!
Culture Shox! is the name of a project co-designed and implemented by two organizations,
Cyprus-based TheatrEtc and Danish organization DSI Swinging Europe,
under the E.U. founded ERASMUS+ KA1 Youth Mobility and Learning Program.
Location: Cyprus
All the expenses for the camp are covered by the organizers
(accommodation, food, transportation, workshop materials).
In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Aged 18 to 25 years old;
Interested or/and active in the arts (music, dance, theater);
Interested in getting to know individuals from other cultural backgrounds;
Good knowledge of English;
Available to take part in the entire camp (10 days).
Eligible Regions: Not specified.
Application Deadline: June 9, 2017
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Qatar University Scholarships

In English
How to Apply for a Scholarship
منح جامعة قطر
طريقة التقديم للمنح الدراسية
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Saturday, May 20, 2017
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