the CIHEAM is a Mediterranean intergovernmental organisation devoted to the sustainable development of agriculture and fisheries, food and nutrition security and rural and coastal areas.
It is composed of 13 member States (Albania, Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey) and operates through its 4 Institutes based in Bari (Italy), Chania (Greece), Montpellier (France) and Zaragoza (Spain) and the Headquarters based in Paris.
Conditions for admission
The levels required to apply for admission to the Master Programmes are:
Three years of university studies (180 ECTS)
Four years out of five (240 ECTS), upon agreement between the sending University and CIHEAM Bari according to which the year attended at CIHEAM Bari is recognized as fifth year by the University of origin in order to graduate
Five years of university studies (300 ECTS)
Professionals having a degree (3-4 years) and at least 2 years of experience in a field related to each master programme
Candidates will be required to prove their knowledge of the English language (minimum level: Intermediate).
How to apply
Applicants are requested to follow the Online Application Procedures. Please, click on this link to apply.
Opening date for applications 2019-2020: 1 April 2019
Closing date for applications 2019-2020: 31 May 2019
Selection Process
Selection is made on the basis of:
Screening of documents sent online by candidates to support their application;
Online test to assess candidates’ technical skills and abilities;
Online English test;
Skype interview.
It takes into account academic results and a professional experience of at least two years acquired in the chosen field of specialization, as well as motivations and language skills.
Successful candidates are notified online of their admission, by the end of July.
Applicants who have been admitted to a Master Programme at CIHEAM Bari receive a "Letter of Acceptance" and enter a ranking list including the type of scholarship they will be granted. At this step, they will have to make a decision: if they are interested in obtaining the final diploma jointly issued with LUM University, which is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education (MASTER UNIVERSITARIO DI I LIVELLO) they have to upload the document called “Dichiarazione di Valore” or, at least, express their will to issue this documentas soon as available.
If they are not interested or not eligible for this diploma, they will be awarded the MASTER OF CIHEAM Bari.
“Dichiarazione di Valore” (declaration of value) is an informative document describing the qualification awarded to a student by an institution belonging to an education system other than the Italian system. It is used by the competent University offices to assess a given qualification for the purpose of admission to a degree programme or for recognition of the foreign qualification.
It is usually issued by the Italian Embassy in the country where the qualification was awarded. It generally contains the following information:
legal status and type of issuing institution;
access requirements for the programme resulting in the qualification;
legal duration of the study programme and/or overall commitment required of the student in terms of credits or hours;
value of the qualification in the system/country where it was issued, i.e. for academic and/or professional purposes.
Beneficiaries and Scholarships
CIHEAM Bari programmes are open to candidates of any nationality. Priority is given to applicants from Southern and Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Countries. In particular, courses are addressed to:
graduate students;
young researchers;
extension agents;
civil servants;
professionals in agriculture and rural development.
A given number of residential full scholarships is granted every year to candidates coming from CIHEAM Member countries and other Mediterranean, Balkan and Middle Eastern countries whose applications rank first in the selection process. Full scholarship covers: registration fees (200€/year), tuition fees (500€/month), travel expenses from and to the country of origin, board and lodging in the students’ residence, insurance and medical assistance, pocket money (170€/month).
Other candidates are admitted with a partial scholarship covering tuition fees and accommodation as long as rooms in the campus residence are available.
Full or partial scholarships are assigned according to a ranking list.
Candidates can apply for scholarships in the application form.
Admission Page
Master Programme
Education Office
Via Ceglie 9
70010 Valenzano (BA)
Phone: +39 080 4606111
Email: iamdir@iamb.it