Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation
Supporting international students in Korea from developing countries,
to become future leaders who can aid the development of their home countries.
Outstanding students who are recommended by Korean partnering universities
Students from and with a nationality of a country in the DAC List of ODA Recipients.
Students in financial difficulties.
Students who have proven academic excellence (reflected in GPA scores).
Students who have a high probability of returning to their native country and supporting its development.
Students who possess talent and the potential to becoming a future global leader.
The number of students awarded this scholarship must be under two per country, per university.
* Partnering Universities (as of March, 2011)
Kyunghee University, Korea University, Seoul National University, Ehwa Womens’ University, Yonsei University,Handong University, Sungkyunkwan University
Operation Schedule
Winter Selection
Summer Selection
Contents of Support
Undergraduate Level : Academic Support Scholarships(living expenses)
Graduate Level : Tuition or Academic Support Scholarships
Period of Support
The scholarships may be extended after a satisfactory evaluation of reports and interviews.
The support may be extended until the student graduates from his/her academic program.
Undergraduate : Maximum of 8 academic semesters
Master : Maximum of 4 academic semesters
Doctorate : Maximum of 6 academic semesters
Important Notices for Students
Online mid-term report(June), Annual Report (December) must be submitted
Participate in Interviews (February)
Participate in the Foundation’s programs and activities
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