Prize Studentship Application Guide
The SUPA Prize Studentships are prestigious and competitive awards intended to attract outstanding physics students from around the world, irrespective of nationality, to study for a PhD in Scotland.
You will be asked to state your first choice of SUPA university and preferred SUPA Theme. You must make contact with prospective supervisors and research groups before applying as you will be asked to provide an e-mail contact for your prospective supervisor.
The SUPA Themes are:
Astronomy and Space Physics
Condensed Matter and
Materials Physics
Particle Physics
Physics and Life Sciences
Nuclear and Plasma Physics
The SUPA universities are:
St Andrews
University of the West of Scotland
Prize studentships will be awarded competitively. The studentships provide support for tuition fees, a stipend and a travel grant for a three-and-a-half-year period. SUPA is the funding body for the prize studentships.
There may be a requirement, associated with these positions, to teach or undertake lab supervision.
This will be negotiated between the student and the host university.
Applications must be made online using the web form at: At the end of theprocess, you will be given an application code.
Please make a careful note of this code.
On completion of the on-line form, you will be invited to upload a scanned transcript of your first degree (after high school) in pdf format. Transcripts are optional and not a requirement.
You are responsible for completing the form accurately by 23.59 GMT on Sunday 31st January
2016 and for ensuring that your two named referees upload the references before the deadline
of 23.59 GMT on Sunday 7th February 2016. It is very important that both you and your referees quote your unique application reference code and your name on all correspondence and
submissions. The email address for enquiries about references is
Please prepare the following before starting the application form:
1. Your contact details, including a valid email address that you will check daily during the
prize process period.
2. The contact details of two referees who have agreed to provide references for you.
3. The e-mail address of a prospective supervisor with whom you have been in contact and
who has agreed to supervise you.
4. Details of your higher education (after high school) academic record and any English
language qualifications (including scores and grades) if applicable.
5. Details of your academic achievements, prizes, awards and publications.
6. A prepared statement of your interest in a chosen SUPA Theme or area of research (approx.
200 words).
7. A prepared statement of what makes you a suitable candidate for a SUPA prize studentship
(approx. 200 words).
8. A scanned final or interim (if you have not yet graduated) transcript of your first degree (afterhigh school) in pdf format.
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