Brief information about Summit:
The International Youth Summit is held annually starting from 2016. The Summit is considered as one of the first youth events in Uzbekistan conducted in English. The participants of the Summit will be selected through submission of online application from all regions of the Republic and foreign countries. The Summit will last three days during which participants will be divided into several groups for creating socially significant projects. Moreover, during these three days, the various seminars and trainings will be conducted for Summit participants, as a result of which, they will be able to create and present new projects, the best of which will be implemented by YLDP and investors. The projects as “YLDP Summer School”, “Plov4Love”, “Back2Reality” and Annual Youth Plenary Session are the results of Summits 2016 and 2017, which were implemented with the support of YLDP. The students of lyceums, colleges and high educational institutions, as well as applicants and youth with the same interests and hobbies, were united in aforementioned projects.
Aim of the Summit:
The ultimate goal of the Summit is to create a special platform for young activists of our country and foreign countries, where they can exchange experience, knowledge and ideas as well as acquire new skills. Taking into consideration that the Summit is international, it would assist to form the right opinion of young activists of the Republic of Uzbekistan about foreign countries, and conversely the guests of the Republic will be able to obtain clear and detailed information about Uzbekistan.
The Summit is divided into following sub-conferences:
Information Technology
Social Development
Nation Branding
The youth from all over the world aged from 18 to 27 can take part in this Summit. The working language is English.
There is no any participation fee.
Accommodation and meal will be covered.
However, participants should cover their travel expenses themselves.
Location: Uzbekistan
A bag of knowledge and experience
New friends from around the world
New insight to chosen committees with the help of high-class seminars and training
Tons of new ideas for social projects
Team of people who are ready to help with your project
An ability to develop life-changing social projects
Exploration of a new country, cities, culture, and tradition
Be aged between 18 and 27
Be a student of undergraduate or graduate degree
Be active, enthusiastic, ready-to-work type, passionate, positive and hard-working
Be interested in social projects and ready to commit themselves for the benefit of their society
Be ready to implement their social projects and make their dreams come true
Eligible Regions: Open for All